20 個非傳統的未來樂器 | DigiLog 聲響實驗室
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20 個非傳統的未來樂器

Author by Zhi Cal 2015.01.21


同場加映:10 個在 Kickstarter 上當紅的音樂科技專案


美國的喬治亞理工學院,舉辦的 “Margaret Guthman Musical Instrument Competition ” 樂器設計競賽,正是試圖激勵和找尋世界上最佳的創新樂器設計,總獎金 $10,000 USD,首獎可以獲得 $5,000 USD 的獎金,獎金由  Moog 和喬治亞理工學院共同贊助。今年已經進入前 20 強的決選,評審委員各個都來頭不小,包含: Beastie 的製作人 DJ Hurricane、格萊美獎的最佳製作人 Graham Marsh、MIT Media Lab 設計電子合成器的 Joe Paradiso 以及 Moog Music 的 CEO Michael Adams,而最後得獎的名單將於今年 2 月 20 號公告。

讓我們來一起看看今年這 20 個精彩的樂器設計吧:

1. Dulsitar by Judy Piazza


2. Yaybahar by Görkem Şen


3. Dualo Du-Touch by Jules Hotrique


4. The D-Box by Victor Zappi and Andrew McPherson


5. Nomis by Jonathan Sparks


6. ndial by Peter Busigel


7. PushPull by Dominik Hildebrand, Marques Lopes, Amelie Hinrichsen, and Till Bovermann


8. Magnetic Percussion Tower by Ed Potokar
Magnetic Percussion Tower


9. Tine Organ by Matthew Steinke


10. Cantor Digitalis by Christophe d'Alessandro, Boris Doval, Lionel Feugère, and Olivier Perrotin

11. The Holophone by Daniel Iglesia

12. Buildacode by Mónica Rikić


13. Turner Winch by D. Turner Matthews


14. SculpTon by Alberto Boem

15. The O-Bow by Dylan Menzies

16. Aural Cavity by Sang Won Lee

17. Ondes Martenot by Suzanne Farrin
Ondes Martenot


18. Feedback Synth by Krzysztof Cybulski

19. GePS, Gesture-based Performance System by Cedric Spindler & Frederic Robinson


20. The sponge by Martin Marier


Guthman Musical Instrument Competition

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作者: Zhi



