Rossum Electro-Music Control Forge | DigiLog 聲響實驗室
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Rossum Electro-Music Control Forge

滿 NT$ 3,000 全台免運費

促銷價 NT$ 21,000

30 利率,每期 NT$ 7,000
60 利率,每期 NT$ 3,500

商品狀態:預購商品 (約 10~15 個工作天)

保固資訊:1 年保固 (不包含: 配件、線材、modular)
滿 NT$ 3,000 全台免運費
付款方式: 7 11 Family mart Hilife Ok Visa Jcb Atm Cash delivery

Watched 此商品被關注 6351 次

CONTROL FORGE’s core functionality is drawn from the E-mu Morpheus’s insanely powerful (but hard to program on a two-line display) Function Generators. But now expanded into a supremely flexible modulation source encompassing elaborate one-shot contours, evolving cyclical patterns and sequences of arbitrary length and complexity.

  • At its most basic, it’s an 8-segment function generator with variable time and target voltage level for each segment.
  • Each segment’s level can be defined either absolutely or relative to the ending level of the previous stage and can optionally be quantized to the nearest 1/12 volt.
  • Each segment’s level may have a user defined range of randomness of either linear or gaussian distribution.
  • A new “Tempo Mode” lets you specify each segment’s length in musical note values relative to a tempo set in BPM.
  • The time scale may be modulated under CV control or manually via the encoder during runtime.
  • There are 67 different transition shapes between segments (indicated graphically on the display during selection), from linear and exponential shapes to various flavors of random, chaotic, and many more that don’t lend themselves to one-word descriptions, including the ability to pass CVs directly through to the output for individual segments.
  • Also included are “DC” shapes that allow the module to be used as a sequencer with all of the module’s available programmability. When combined with the Preset Sequencer described below, sequences can be hundreds of steps long and modified in real time manually or by CVs.
  • Each segment may optionally have a conditional jump mode that results in a jump to another selected stage if a particular condition is met. E.g., a CV being above or below the selected conditional value, the presence or lack of a gate or logic high at their respective inputs, rising or falling edges at the inputs, etc. So, in addition to one-shot shapes, extremely elaborate cyclical patterns can be programmed that evolve based on the various conditional inputs.
  • Control Forge’s AutoChain functionality allows the creation of two very specific kinds of multi-preset patterns: A multi-preset retriggerable pattern (like a long syncable LFO), and a multi-preset “envelope-like” pattern with retriggerablity, an optional sustain section, and a “release” section that’s jumped to on gate fall.
  • Two independent triggers can be programmed to fire in response to a variety of events and can be used to affect either CONTROL FORGE itself or external modules.
  • 500 presets can be saved and recalled
  • A preset sequencer allows stepping through up to 200 user-defined series of presets under trigger, clock or manual control. This allows contours and sequences of almost unlimited length and complexity.
  • All presets and sequences can be transferred to any number of Satellite modules, which can then operate as stand-alone modulation sources, completely independent of the Control Forge.

Like all Rossum Electro-Music digital modules, all parameters are available for adjustment with a single button press. No menu diving.

CONTROL FORGE is available from Rossum Electro-Music Dealers worldwide.







20,000 Dynamically Allocated



1x 3.5mm mono socket 100kΩ Input Impedance 1.6V threshold


1x 3.5mm mono socket 100kΩ Input Impedance 1.6V threshold

CV 1

1x 3.5mm mono socket 100kΩ Input Impedance -5V to +5V

CV 2

1x 3.5mm mono socket 100kΩ Input Impedance -5V to +5V

Time Scale CV

1x 3.5mm mono socket 100kΩ Input Impedance -5V to +5V

Preset Sequencer DEC

1x 3.5mm mono socket 100kΩ Input Impedance 1.6V threshold

Preset Sequencer INC

1x 3.5mm mono socket 100kΩ Input Impedance 1.6V threshold

Preset Sequencer RESET

1x 3.5mm mono socket 100kΩ Input Impedance 1.6V threshold


+ Output

1x 3.5mm mono socket <1Ω Output Impedance

-5V to +5V

Accurate to 1mV or better over the entire range

– (Inverted) Output

1x 3.5mm mono socket <1Ω Output Impedance

-5V to +5V

Accurate to 2mV or better over the entire range

Trigger 1

1x 3.5mm mono socket 1kΩ Output Impedance 10V
Selectable Width

Trigger 2

1x 3.5mm mono socket 1kΩ Output Impedance 10V
Selectable Width


+/-12V via 16-pin, Doepfer-style connector


125mA +12V, 25mA -12V (maximum)


22HP (W); Panel to power connector (with connector plugged in) 25mm (D)


1x 16-pin, Doepfer-style cable
4x M3 screws
4x M2.5 screws
4x Nylon washers

1x Quickstart Guide


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