4ms WAV Recorder 模組化合成器 | DigiLog 聲響實驗室
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4ms WAV Recorder 模組化合成器

滿 NT$ 3,000 全台免運費

折扣價 NT$ 9,500
促銷價 NT$ 9,800

30 利率,每期 NT$ 3,166
60 利率,每期 NT$ 1,583

商品狀態:補貨中 (訂購後有專人聯繫)

保固資訊:1 年保固 (不包含: 配件、線材、modular)
滿 NT$ 3,000 全台免運費
付款方式: 7 11 Family mart Hilife Ok Visa Jcb Atm Cash delivery

Watched 此商品被關注 5917 次

The WAV Recorder from 4ms Company is a high fidelity, two-channel stereo audio recorder with basic playback features. Accepting a wide range of input signals, from line-level to modular-level, the WAV Recorder stores audio onto a microSD card in lossless .wav format up to 96kHz/24-bit. The trigger jack can be used for capturing rhythmic loops or synchronizing multiple WAV Recorder modules for multi-track recording. In Playback mode, the trigger jack or button plays the most recent recording. A simple file/folder navigation system can be used to browse the folders on the card for playing back .wav files. A Gain knob allows for up to +20dB of boost, and an LED Signal Meter indicates clipping and the signal level.

  • Records high-fidelity, low-noise, stereo WAV files onto microSD Card.
  • Up to 96kHz, 24-bit stereo recording.
  • Extremely low noise, high-fidelity design
  • Configurable to 96kHz, 48kHz, or 44.1kHz; and 24-bit or 16-bit; and stereo or mono
  • Accepts modular signal level, line level, or headphone level.
  • Gain knob and LED level meter allows you easily boost or cut any signal, from synths to smart phones, without clipping.
  • Audio can be monitored without recording, so the WAV Recorder can also be used as a pre-amp for boosting line-level signals to modular level.
  • Playback previous recordings or standard .wav files on the microSD Card, without renaming files.
  • Playback and Record activated by button press or a trigger jack
  • Recording time and number of files are limited only by available space on card: Typical cards can hold hundreds of hours of samples.
  • Continuous Recording feature automatically breaks long recordings (>6 hours, typically) into multiple 4GB files. With a large SD Card (128GB), you can literally record continuously for 2 weeks without stopping!
  • Connects to the LISTEN modules for recording directly from the main output.
  • 24-bit 96kHz Codec (DAC and ADC)
  • Includes 16GB microSD card (Class 10), SD adaptor, 10-to-16 pin power cable and M3 Knurlie screws



  • 6 HP Eurorack format module
  • 10-pin Eurorack power header
  • 0.98" (25mm) maximum depth with power cable
  • Power consumption:
    • +12V rail: 112mA
    • -12V rail: 12mA
    • +5V rail: not used
    • Connect red stripe of power cable towards the bottom of the module, which is marked with a white stripe and the words -12V and POWER
  • Audio Inputs
    • 22Vpp maximum
  • Audio Signal
    • Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) of WAV file: 
      (Measurements taken from recordings made in typical Eurorack case powered by Row Power 40)
      • -91.7dB @ 16-bit, 44.1kHz
      • -88.9dB @ 24-bit, 96kHz
    • Playback Frequency Response (File : Output jacks)
      20Hz - 20kHz: +/-0.1dB maximum
  • Trigger input:
    • Acceptable trigger voltage range: +2V to +12V
    • Minimum pulse width: 5ms
    • Maximum frequency of repeated triggers: 50Hz
      (Minimum time between recordings varies with speed of microSD card)

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