4ms Tapographic Delay 模組化合成器 | DigiLog 聲響實驗室
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4ms Tapographic Delay 模組化合成器

滿 NT$ 3,000 全台免運費

折扣價 NT$ 14,900
促銷價 NT$ 15,400

30 利率,每期 NT$ 4,966
60 利率,每期 NT$ 2,483

商品狀態:補貨中 (訂購後有專人聯繫)

保固資訊:1 年保固 (不包含: 配件、線材、modular)
滿 NT$ 3,000 全台免運費
付款方式: 7 11 Family mart Hilife Ok Visa Jcb Atm Cash delivery

Watched 此商品被關注 5646 次

Designed by Matthias Puech and 4ms Company

The Tapographic Delay is a complex multi-tap delay in the Eurorack format with a unique interface designed for live performance. It excels at transforming the simplest audio (a drone, a percussive sound) into complex rhythmic structures, meshes of organic textures, lush harmonic mille-feuilles, liquid and resonant effects.

Have you ever got tired of the monotonous repetitions that your standard delay pedal/module produced? Have you ever wished for a more complex rhythmic structure than just decaying repetition? If yes, you have come to the right place: the Tapographic Delay is an advanced effect that lets you handle repetition in a completely novel way. It is to a traditional delay what a full rhythmic sequencer (with pattern recall, velocity control, tactile input) is to a simple clock. With the TD, you interactively define the rhythm that the repetitions will follow: a velocity-sensitive sensor allows you to record, edit, modify, and sequence your own arrangements of delays. In a sense, the TD is the converse of the classic Frippertronics sound-on-sound setup popularized by Robert Fripp in the 70's: you don't play the guitar, you play the tape loop!

The Tapographic Delay is an expressive experimental instrument meant to be played in real-time, rather than a set-and-forget end-of-chain effect. Interact with it! Experiment! Push it to its limits!


The Tapographic Delay features: 

  • Multi-tap audio delay line with advanced features
  • Velocity-sensitive force sensor to tap the delay configurations (tapographies)
  • Up to 32 taps, each with its own delay time, amplitude/filter and panning
  • Low-pass filter or resonant (pingable) band-pass filter on each tap
  • Morphing between delay configurations, with adjustable morph time
  • Two different feedback paths: a Repeat toggle and a Feedback knob
  • Save and recall up to 24 delay configurations (4 banks of 6 slots each)
  • Tapography sequencer with forward, random walk or random directions
  • Synchronization to an external clock, with clock divider/multiplier
  • Gate output that plays the current rhythm of delays
  • Maximum delay time of 174 seconds (almost 3 minutes)
  • 16 bits/48kHz with 32 bits floating-point internal processing, 1.3ms software latency
  • Mono-in, stereo-out operation



  • 18 HP Eurorack format module
  • 10-pin Eurorack power header
  • 0.98" (25mm) maximum depth with power cable
  • Power consumption:
    • +12V rail: 125mA
    • -12V rail: 32mA
    • +5V rail: not used
    • Connect red stripe of power cable towards the bottom of the module, which is marked with a white stripe and the words -12V and POWER
  • Audio Inputs
    • 22Vpp maximum
  • Audio Outputs
    • Dry frequency response:
      20Hz - 5kHz: +/-0.1dB maximum @10kHz: -2.3dB
      @20kHz: -7.8dB
    • Soft-limiting limits output to maximum of 17Vpp
  • Trigger inputs:
    • Acceptable trigger voltage range: +2V to +12V
  • Trigger outputs (Gate Out):
    • +8V trigger pulse
    • 4ms pulse width



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