4ms Shifting Inverting Signal Mingler (SISM) 模組化合成器 | DigiLog 聲響實驗室
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4ms Shifting Inverting Signal Mingler (SISM) 模組化合成器

滿 NT$ 3,000 全台免運費

折扣價 NT$ 6,400
促銷價 NT$ 6,700

30 利率,每期 NT$ 2,133
60 利率,每期 NT$ 1,066

商品狀態:預購商品 (約 10~15 個工作天)

保固資訊:1 年保固 (不包含: 配件、線材、modular)
滿 NT$ 3,000 全台免運費
付款方式: 7 11 Family mart Hilife Ok Visa Jcb Atm Cash delivery

Watched 此商品被關注 5843 次

The SISM is a 4-channel voltage manipulator that can scale, invert, attenuate, shift (dc offset), mix, split, and slice your CV and audio signals.

A plethora of red and blue LEDs (14) show exactly what each channel and output jack is doing: red = negative voltage, blue = positive.

Each channel is independent and has an input jack, output jack, a knob for attenuating/inverting (Scale), and a knob for applying positive or negative DC offset (Shift).

Four jacks on the bottom combine the four channels in different ways. Mix is a straight mix of all four shifted inputs, Switched Mix is a mix of all channels that have nothing plugged into the OUT jack, Positive Slice is the sum of all output voltages greater than zero volts, and Negative Slice is the sum of all negative voltages.

By Shifting some channels positive and some negative, the + Slice and - Slice jacks can be used as sub-mix outputs. Also, by running a slow triangle wave into one channel, the remaining channels can be made to "dirty pan" between the Slice jacks: the signals are half-wave rectified as they span between both outputs.

Channels 1+2 and 3+4 are normalized together on the input jacks, which is handy for splitting a signal into two or more altered forms. Jumpers on the back allow you to disable this normalization.

Each channel also has a jumper to make the Scale knob unipolar (no inverting, attenuate only). This is useful for mixing audio instead of CV. A breakout header allows for padding of the signal (useful for fine-tuning a precise voltage such as 1V/oct).

Input and Output headers for connecting to QCD, QPLFO, VCA Matrix, or other manufacturer's modules such as Toppobrillo Mixiplexer or Circuit Abbey Intermix.

Basic features

  • Four independent voltage processor channels, with four mix/mingle outputs
  • Each channel has:
    • Input jack
    • Scale knob (from inverted unity, to zero, to unity
    • Shift knob (adds/subtracts DC offset from -9V to +9V)
    • Output jack
    • Red and blue LEDs to indicate + or - voltage, as well as intensity
  • MIX jack outputs sum of all channels
  • MIX SWitch jack outputs sum of all channels with nothing plugged into their output jack
  • + SLICE jack outputs positive portion of mix (voltages greater than 0V)
  • - SLICE jack outputs negative portion of mix (voltages less than 0V)
  • Red and blue LEDs on all four mix/mingle jacks display what the signal is doing

Advanced features

  • Channels 1+2 and 3+4 are normaled together on the input, so plugging into Channel 1 (or 3) will split the signal: A jumper can disable this normalization
  • Scale knob has three ranges that are selectable with jumpers:
    • Bi-polar: -1x to +1x (inverting unity to unity) --default
    • Uni-polar: 0 to +1x (level fader)
    • Boost: 0 to 2x (twice the voltage gain)
  • Input Header (2x4) for connecting the output of a QCD or QPLFO to the SISM's inputs. Plugging into the input jacks overrides the signal on the header
  • Output Header (2x4) for connecting to the input of a VCA Matrix or other compatible module
  • PAD breakout header (2x4) for connecting to a breakout module that applies a pre-set pad (attenuation) to each channel.

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