Behringer POLY D 類比合成器鍵盤 | DigiLog 聲響實驗室
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Polyd 1
Polyd 1
Polyd 0002 poly d p0d9j left1 l
Polyd 0001 poly d p0d9j rear1 l

Behringer POLY D 類比合成器鍵盤

滿 NT$ 3,000 全台免運費

折扣價 NT$ 33,500
促銷價 NT$ 35,000

30 利率,每期 NT$ 11,166
60 利率,每期 NT$ 5,583


保固資訊:1 年保固 (不包含: 配件、線材、modular)
滿 NT$ 3,000 全台免運費
付款方式: 7 11 Family mart Hilife Ok Visa Jcb Atm Cash delivery

Watched 此商品被關注 6950 次

Behreinger Poly D 四發聲類比合成器鍵盤--開放預購中!


  • 37 全尺寸力度感應鍵盤
  • 四發聲:可切換 mono/unison 以及 poly 模式
  • 四個類比 VCOs 波形: triangular-, sawtooth, pulse waveforms
  • Noise 處理器:白色及粉色噪音兩種可切換
  • 27 dB 梯形濾波器可調 resonance
  • Low/high pass 濾波器
  • 2 ADS envelope:VCF、VCA 各1
  • 類比 BBD 雙聲道 chorus 效果
  • Distortion 整合效果:可控制 tone 
  • 序列器:32-step
  • 琶音器
  • 音高/modulation 調變輪
  • 可調整的 panel 直覺的設計
  • 內附 12 VDC 變壓器
  • 平衡雙聲道輸出:2x6.3mm jack 孔
  • 可調整的雙聲道耳機輸出:6.3mm jack
  • 外接音源輸入:6.3mm jack
  • V-trigger、modulation、pitch-CV、filter & Loudness 輸入/輸出:6.3mm output
  • Sync 輸入/輸出:6.3mm jack
  • MIDI in/out/thru
  • USB-B 連接孔
  • 尺寸:64.7 x8.9 x 36 公分




發聲器介紹 Number of Voices: 4-Note Polyphony (with Paraphonic Mode)
Type: Analog
Modes: Mono, Unison, Poly
VCO: 4 x Voltage-Controlled Oscillators (0.1 Hz to 20 kHz in 6 Overlapping Ranges)
LFO: 1 x Low-Frequency Oscillator (0.05 Hz to 200 Hz, up to 300 Hz with External CV Input)
VCF: 1 x Voltage-Controlled Filter, Switchable Low-Pass or High-Pass (24 dB / Octave Slope)
Envelopes: VCA, VCF
FX: Distortion, Chorus
鍵數 37-Note Full-Sized Keys
Synth-Action with Aftertouch
輸入/輸出 Main Output: 2 x 1/4" / 6.35 mm TRS
External Input: 1 x 1/4" / 6.35 mm
Headphones: 1/4" / 6.35 mm TRS
CV 選項 External Control Inputs: 1/4" / 6.35 mm
Mod Source
External V-Trigger

Internal Control Outputs: 1/4" / 6.35 mm
After-Pressure with Scale Knob
Velocity with Scale Knob
USB Type: Class-Compliant USB 2.0 Type-B
Supported Operating Systems:
Windows XP or Later
macOS 10.6.8 or Later
MIDI 接孔 In/Out/Thru: 3 x 5-pin DIN
控制版面 Knobs
Tune: -2 to +2
Glide: 0 to 10
Modulation Mix: OSC 4 or Filter EG to Noise/Ext Mod Source or LFO
Modulation Wheel
Pitch Wheel
LFO Rate: 0 to 10

Modulation Source: OSC 4 or Filter EG
Modulation Source: Noise/Ext Mod Source or LFO
LFO Waveform: Triangular or Square
振盪器 Knobs Range (OSC 1, 2, 3, and 4): LO, 32', 16', 8', 4', 2'
Frequency (OSC 2, 3, & 4): -7 to +7
Waveform (OSC 1, 2, 3): Triangular, Sharktooth, Saw, Square, Wide Pulse, Narrow Pulse
Waveform (OSC 4): Triangular, Reverse Saw, Saw, Square, Wide Pulse, Narrow Pulse
Switches: Oscillator Modulation On/Off
OSC 4 Control (By Keyboard) On/Off
Mixer Section Knobs
Volume (OSC 1, 2, 3, 4): 0 to 10
Volume (External Input): 0 to 10
Volume (Noise): 0 to 10

OSC 1, 2, 3, 4: On/Off
External Input: On/Off
Noise: On/off
Noise Source: Pink or White

LED: Overload
濾波器 Knobs
Cutoff Frequency: -4 to +4
Filter Emphasis: 0 to 10
Amount of Contour: 0 to 10
Attack: 1 ms to 10 s
Decay: 4 ms to >35 s
Sustain: 0 to 10

Filter Mode: Low-Pass / High-Pass
Filter Modulation: On/Off
Keyboard Control 1: On (1/3) or Off
Keyboard Control 2: On (2/3) or Off
輸出 Knobs
Volume: 0 to 10
Headphone Volume: 0 to 10
Attack: 1 ms to 10 s
Decay: 4 ms to >35 s
Sustain: 0 to 10

Loudness Decay: On/Off

LED: Power
效果 Distortion
Dist: 0 to 10
Tone: 0 to 10
Level: 0 to 10
Switch: On/Off

Buttons: I and II
Switch: On/Off
序列器 & 琶音器 Arpeggiator: 8 Patterns
Sequencer: 32-Steps per Pattern, (8 Banks of 8 Patterns, 64 Total)
電源 External Power Adapter: 12 VDC, 1000 mA

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