Mack's 飛行專用降噪降壓耳塞 附旅行盒(一對) | DigiLog 聲響實驗室
Shop » 其他 » 降噪耳塞 » Mack's 飛行專用降噪降壓耳塞 附旅行盒(一對)
Coverafter 0002 mack s 1   airplane with case cover
Coverafter 0002 mack s 1   airplane with case cover
Secondafter 0000 mack s 1   airplane with case 1
Secondafter 0001 mack s 1   airplane with case 2

Mack's 飛行專用降噪降壓耳塞 附旅行盒(一對)

Free shipping orders over NTD 3,000

促銷價 NT$ 525

Pay installments 3 / 6
30 利率,每期 NT$ 175
60 利率,每期 NT$ 87

Status: 預購商品 (約 10~15 個工作天)

Free 1-year Warranty (except all cable, accessories and modulars)
Free shipping orders over NTD 3,000
Payment: 7 11 Family mart Hilife Ok Visa Jcb Atm Cash delivery


Relieves ear pressure discomfort and reduces noise.



  1. Before inserting, with mouth closed and nose pinched closed, blow gently to clear and equalize any ear pressure. For best results, insert earplugs BEFORE takeoff and remove AFTER landing and cabin door has been opened. Earplugs may be removed at maximum cruising altitude, but ALWAYS insert 1 hour BEFORE landing.
  2. Reach over head and pull up and back on outer ear to straighten ear canal.
  3. With opposite hand, grasp earplug stem and insert by pressing forward in a circular motion to form an airtight seal.


Do not push earplug into ear so far that you are unable to easily grasp the stem with thumb and forefinger. Remove earplug slowly with twisting motion to gradually break the seal. Due to the excellent seal characteristics, rapid removal may damage eardrum. Do not use for sleeping while lying flat. Use only as directed.





Warnings & Precautions

Keep away from infants and small children. This product is non-toxic, but may interfere with breathing if caught in windpipe, which could lead to serious injury or death. Improper fitting or disregard of the above recommendations will reduce effectiveness and could result in hearing loss or injury.


Cleaning Instructions

Wash with mild soap and warm water. Dry thoroughly before reinserting into ear. Store in original case. Discard if earplugs come in contact with lubricants, solvents or other chemicals. Earplugs should be inspected regularly for serviceability. Replace hard, torn or deformed earplugs. If used daily, replace every 2 to 4 weeks.

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