WMD SSM Expand | DigiLog 聲響實驗室
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WMD SSM Expand

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促銷價 NT$ 5,250

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30 利率,每期 NT$ 1,750
60 利率,每期 NT$ 875

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Free 1-year Warranty (except all cable, accessories and modulars)
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Make the most of your SSM

The SSM Expand 8 HP module provides extended functionality of the SSM.


  • Gate/Trigger Outputs of Each Route
  • Gates Mirror Routing LEDs
  • Triggers Occur on Steps
  • Step Output For CV and Step/Reset
  • Retrigger Gates on Step Optional
  • Gate/Trig Behavior Invertable
  • CV and Knob for Trigger Length
  • Four Bit DAC Outputs for Outs 3/4
  • Skiffable PCB Design


Gate/Trig: Gate (Green LED lit) provides 10V outputs for each routing button. It mirrors the routing shown by the SSM LEDs. Trig mode (Red LED lit) will output a trigger when a step (CV, Step/Gate or Reset) is taken. Pushing a routing button will not change the output thus providing synchronized triggers.

Trigger Length: CV and knob provide adjustable trigger length.

Retrig on Step: When on, gates and triggers will retrigger quickly when a step is taken.

Invert Behavior: When on, routings that are OFF will produce ON triggers or Gates.

DAC3/4: Two 4 bit DAC outputs that output a weighted 4 bit voltage between 0 and 5 volts. From routing columns 3 and 4.

Step: Outputs a trigger for each step, reset or CV change that is made to the SSM.

Installation: Connect the 20 pin ribbon cable to the GTExp header on the SSM, and the ToSSM connector on the Expand. Red Stripe Down.

Specs: 8 HP. 25mm Depth. 10V Gate Outputs. Current consumption is +40mA, -3mA. 12 month warranty.



  • Power: +12V = 40mA; -12V = 3mA
  • Voltage Levels: Input range +-10V. Output range +-10V. Step/Gate and Reset sense signals at 0.8V.
  • Operating Frequency: Max transition frequency is 26kHz. Pushing buttons at high clock speeds will slow the response as the buttons are debounced.
  • Compare Input: +-10V. Normaled to 0.5V.
  • Compliance: The SSM and Expand are RoHS and CE compliant.
  • Size: 8HP
  • Depth: 25mm with connectors
  • Every WMD product is warranted for 12 months after purchase, but please contact us if you ever have problems. We will take care of you.

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