Tiptop Audio Stackcable 3.5mm(一條) | DigiLog 聲響實驗室
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Tiptop Audio Stackcable 3.5mm(一條)

滿 NT$ 3,000 全台免運費

促銷價 NT$ 240

30 利率,每期 NT$ 80
60 利率,每期 NT$ 40


保固資訊:1 年保固 (不包含: 配件、線材、modular)
滿 NT$ 3,000 全台免運費
付款方式: 7 11 Family mart Hilife Ok Visa Jcb Atm Cash delivery

Watched 此商品被關注 6306 次


Tiptop stacable 3.5 mm 

綠色 - 20 cm

紅色 - 30 cm 

NEW! 青色 - 40cm


黃色 - 50 cm

藍色 - 75 cm

黑色 - 90 cm 

紫色 - 150 cm



Stackcables vs Multiples:
The Stackcable opens up a whole new approach to the art of synthesizer patching. Complex signal flow is more visible and easier to follow and you’ll never again have to interrupt your workflow to stop, trace back, and insert a multiple. Spend more time concentrating on music making and less time on figuring how to run multiple signal paths. In addition, when comparing multiple modules vs Stackcables, the Stackcables can come out cheaper and provide you with more mult points, whenever you need them, in any configuration, without taking up any rack space in your system.

Stackcables vs Regular Patch Cables:
When comparing the Stackcables with regular patch cables, the Stackcables always keep your jacks reusable no matter how many connections are running to or from a jack. Using standard patch cables effectively “seals up” a jack once patched in, a major limitation in the dynamic workflow of a modular synthesizer. And when it comes to carrying your audio signals, the Stackcable is superior to low-cost patch cables because they are made with heavy-gauge signal conductor and signal shielding, providing both low capacitance, low impedance, and excellent noise rejection. Additionally, by providing shielding from electrical interference, the Stackcable outperforms any other signal splitter at handling audio and control signals in a professional studio environment, keeping both your studio quiet and your modular synth signals clean.

Stackcables Unique Mechanism:
The Stackcable’s elegant connectors hide a complex sub-miniature electromechanical design that tightly integrates a 3.5mm plug and a 3.5mm jack together at each end of the cable, all the while handling both ground and signal. This innovative mechanism is what makes the Stackcable a reality, yet it provides an even more compact connector than a single-conductor banana cable. So if you have never experienced stack-ability, then get ready to feel how effortless, creative, and mind- altering your patching will become with our Stackcables.

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