Sequential (Dave Smith) Prophet 5 合成器音源 | DigiLog 聲響實驗室
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P 0006 p52
P 0006 p52
P 0004 p54
P 0005 p53

Sequential (Dave Smith) Prophet 5 合成器音源

滿 NT$ 3,000 全台免運費

折扣價 NT$ 92,500
促銷價 NT$ 95,000

30 利率,每期 NT$ 30,833
60 利率,每期 NT$ 15,416

商品狀態:預購商品 (約 10~15 個工作天)

保固資訊:1 年保固 (不包含: 配件、線材、modular)
滿 NT$ 3,000 全台免運費
付款方式: 7 11 Family mart Hilife Ok Visa Jcb Atm Cash delivery

Watched 此商品被關注 4129 次

The Prophet-5 合成器音源內建經典的類比合成器音色在您的操作面板中,就像 The Prophet-5 的鍵盤版本一樣,The Prophet-5 合成器音源是 Prophet-5s 系列中最棒的選擇, 這是因為它內建了三款 Prophet-5 傳統音色,當中透過真正 Curtis 模擬 VCO 以及 Filter (與  Rev3 相同)體現了傳奇合成器的三個版本:Rev 1、Rev2、Rev3。作為 Dave Rossum 設計的新型 2140 low pass filter,如同在最原始的 Rev1  以及 Rev2 的 2040 一樣。Rev 開關可以在兩種 Filter 設計之間進行切換。同時這款 Prophet-10 調整了 Filter 的波型以及響應讓它更能分別地符合原本的 Rev1/2 以及 Rev3。

透過真實且扎實的原始聲響,以及實用的性能,這款 Prophet-5 合成器音源絕對能夠符合您對於經典類比聲響的渴望。



  • Two authentic CEM 3340 voltage-controlled oscillators per voice
  • Simultaneously selectable wave shapes. Oscillator A: sawtooth, pulse. Oscillator B: sawtooth, triangle, pulse.
  • Pulse width per oscillator
  • Hard sync: Oscillator A syncs to Oscillator B
  • Low frequency mode (Oscillator B)
  • Keyboard tracking on/off (Oscillator B)


  • Oscillator A amount
  • Oscillator B amount
  • White noise amount


  • Four-pole, resonant, low-pass filter per voice
  • Switchable between authentic versions of the Prophet-5 Rev1/2 filter and Prophet-5 Rev3 filter
  • Rev1/2 filter is a Dave Rossum-designed 2140, the modern counterpart of the original 2040 filter found in the Prophet-5 Rev1 and Rev2
  • Rev3 filter is a Doug Curtis-designed CEM 3320
  • Filter can be driven into self-oscillation with the Resonance control
  • Keyboard tracking: off, half, full


  • Four-stage (ADSR) envelope generator
  • Velocity modulation of envelope amount


  • Four-stage (ADSR) envelope generator
  • Velocity modulation of envelope amount


  • Three wave shapes: sawtooth, triangle, square. All waveshapes can be engaged simultaneously
  • Both Initial Amount and mod wheel control
  • Mod destinations: oscillator A frequency, Oscillator B frequency, Oscillator A and B pulse width, filter cutoff


  • Sources: filter envelope and Oscillator B
  • Destinations: Oscillator A frequency, Oscillator A pulse width, filter cutoff


  • Recreates the characteristics of various Prophet-5 models by varying the behavior of oscillators, envelopes, amplifiers, and other parameters. Go from a very stable “4” — as in Prophet-5 Rev4, (the new version) — all the way to “1,” as in Prophet-5 Rev1, the rarest and most temperamental of all Prophet-5s.


  • Channel (mono) aftertouch
  • Destinations: filter cutoff frequency, LFO amount


  • Polyphonic glide (portamento)
  • Unison (monophonic) mode with configurable voice count, from one to all five voices and key modes
  • Preset switch: when off, the front panel is live; what you see is what you hear


  • 200 user and 200 factory programs in 5 banks of 40 programs each
  • Direct program access, including Prophet 5-style single-button access to the current set of 8 programs


  • Mono output (1 x 1/4” phone jack)
  • Headphone output (stereo, 1/4” phone jack)
  • MIDI in, out, and thru ports
  • USB for bidirectional MIDI communication
  • Control voltage in/out (1 x 1/4” phone jack) 0- +5V input/output signal. Configured for 1-volt-per-octave operation.
  • Gate in/out (1 x 1/4” phone jack). Accepts a 1.5 to 15-volt on/off signal to gate the envelopes of a single voice on the Prophet-5. Outputs a 15-volt on/off used to gate the envelopes of an external synth.
  • Low-pass filter cutoff expression pedal input
  • Volume expression pedal input
  • Sustain footswitch input


  • IEC AC power inlet for internal power supply
  • Operates worldwide on voltages between 100 and 240 volts at 50 to 60 Hz; Prophet-5: 20 watts maximum power consumption.


  • 20.75″ L x 7.4″ W x 3″ H (52.70 cm x 18.8 cm x 7.62 cm)
  • Roadworthy all-steel case with premium black walnut heartwood trim

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