Kenton Pro 2000 MK2 | DigiLog 聲響實驗室
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Kenton Pro 2000 MK2

滿 NT$ 3,000 全台免運費

促銷價 NT$ 17,200

30 利率,每期 NT$ 5,733
60 利率,每期 NT$ 2,866

商品狀態:預購商品 (約 10~15 個工作天)

保固資訊:1 年保固 (不包含: 配件、線材、modular)
滿 NT$ 3,000 全台免運費
付款方式: 7 11 Family mart Hilife Ok Visa Jcb Atm Cash delivery

Watched 此商品被關注 3701 次


為了用 MIDI 樂器或音序器控制 MIDI 合成器,需要把數位 MIDI 訊號轉換成 MIDI 合成器能夠理解的信號。

對於這個價格來說,可能就是市場上性價比最高的 MIDI 訊號轉換器。

擁有的眾多功能,讓 Pro 2000 MK2 具有非常優秀的泛用性。


  • Power: 230v AC 50Hz (170v – 260v) or 115v AC 50/60Hz (85v – 130v).
  • 尺寸 : 280mm x 132mm x 42mm
  • 重量 : 2.5Kg
  • MIDI: In Out and Thru
  • Outputs: CV on 3.5mm jack (V/oct or Hz/V)
  • Gate on 3.5mm jack (Gate or S-trig)
  • Aux on 3.5 mm jack
  • 15 pin High Density D or 8 pin Mini Din (with optional expansion port)
  • Options: DCB port with cable, KADI/WASP port with cable
  • Design for all type of mono-synth
  • Super-fast response time
  • Famous Kenton build quality
  • Rugged steel case
  • Main CV outputs have high specification 16 bit D/A converters for rock-steady pitches
  • Auxiliary outputs have 12 bit D/A converters
  • Mains powered – internally selectable 230/115 volts (IEC socket on back panel)
  • Units are shipped pre-set to the correct voltage for your country
  • 16×2 Character LCD display
  • 24 memory locations for setups
  • MIDI IN socket
  • MIDI OUT socket (for MIDI channel filter and SysEx dumps)
  • MIDI THRU socket
  • DIN SYNC 24 socket
  • Clock output with selectable 1 to 12 cpqn plus 24 and 48 cpqn modes
  • Any MIDI channel can be selected for any output
  • Two COMPLETELY INDEPENDENT main CV outputs (this means ALL settings for synth outputs A & B)
  • Main CV outputs A & B are independently switchable for V/oct & Hz/V & 1.2V/oct scaling systems
  • Fine tune & scale are software controllable
  • Transpose (coarse tune) – up & down 12 semitones
  • Adjustable pitchbend range +/- 12 semitones
  • Programmable Gate V-trig (up to 15v) or S-trig (with or without pull-up)
  • Multiple and single trigger modes
  • Note priority selection – newest / lowest / highest
  • Old notes are remembered to facilitate trill effects and increase playability
  • Portamento on main CV outputs
  • Auto Portamento mode selectable on main CVs (where legato playing turns on Portamento)
  • Two different types of Portamento are selectable (fixed rate / fixed time)
  • Portamento Controllers are selectable
  • 6 Programmable Auxilary outputs controllable by any MIDI controller on any MIDI channel
  • 2 Programmable and independent LFOs – each with 9 wave shapes including random
  • LFO can modulate pitch &/or AUX outputs
  • Separate Controllers for LFO to CV and LFO to AUXes
  • LFOs can be synchronised to MIDI clock
  • Channel filter to ‘channelise’ an ‘omni-on’ synth
  • Polyphonic operation selectable with 3 note assignment types
  • All parameters are controllable in real-time by SysEx
  • SysEx dump and load of current program and any memory
  • Set-up are stored in non-volatile memory for easy recall
  • MIDI monitor mode – for easy MIDI troubleshooting
  • Optional add-on port for KADI on its own MIDI channel

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