外觀有使用痕跡與刮傷,功能全正常,六組Midi i/o 輸出與一組Yamaha TG接口。支援 Mac OSX 與 Windows (須上網下載最新版本驅動程式)。附電源線變壓器與USB連接線一只。北市東門站可面交,意者私訊。
Yamaha UX-256 USB-MIDI interface in working condition, has few scratches on top panel. 6*I / O to + 2 MIDI in / out jack on Yamaha 'To Host’ . MAC OS X &Windows supported.(Latest driver needed) No issues, functions 100%, A/C Adapter and USB cable included. Pick up at MRT Dongmen station. PM me for more details.
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