Patch TCG PATCH: THE CARD GAME 卡牌遊戲 | DigiLog 聲響實驗室
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Single Player

 The Basic Game

  1. Separate and shuffle the Abstraction cards into their own pile. Shuffle the Progression a Abstraction cards into another pile.

  2. Draw at least one Abstraction card and start patching, following the rule set by that card. The Abstraction card should stay in play for reference.

  3. At some interval (eg. every 5min), draw a card from the Progression/Disruption pile and do the actions described on the card before placing it in a discard pile.

  4. Repeat this as many times as you like until you feel the patch is finished. If you run out of Progression/Disruptions cards, shuffle the discard pile as your new draw pile.


Arbitrary Strategeries

  1. Set aside the Progression and Disruption cards and shuffle only the Abstraction cards.

  2. Draw three Abstraction cards.

  3. Use these three Abstractions as a construct to create a patch.


De-Composition is for when you're done with a patch and about to tear it down.

  1. Set aside the Abstraction cards.

  2. Shuffle the Progression and Disruption cards together.

  3. Draw 10 cards.

  4. Execute the actions on the cards in any order you see fit. (the simplest being the order which they were drawn)

Marvel at the beauty of your de-composed patch.

Auto Patch

Auto Patch is like de-composition except in reverse.  Creating a patch from scratch. The cards making the decisions.

  1. Set aside the Abstraction cards.

  2. Shuffle the Progression and Disruption cards together.

  3. Draw 10 cards.

  4. Execute any cards with actions telling you to ‘patch’ or ‘add’ first.

  5. Execute any cards with “un-patch” actions.

  6. Execute any cards with actions that have you adjust controls or add modulation.

Marvel at the sound of your automagically generated patch.


Patch Battle Royale (“PBR”)

Patch Battle Royale, or “PBR” for short, is like the multiplayer version of the Basic Game.  2-4 participants is recommended with a single Patch TCG deck. Multiple decks can be combined for more than 4 players, or if desired for 3 or 4 players to have more cards in their hand.

  1. Start with the Basic Game setup and draw one Abstraction card which will be shared for all players.

  2. Each player then gets dealt 5 cards from the Progression/Disruption pile (4 cards if there are 4 players).

  3. Everyone starts patching.  At some interval, (eg. every 5min), each participant gets to play a single card from their hand.

    1. They can play this card on themselves, in which case they do the action.

    2. Or, they can play it against another player, in which case that player has to do the action.

  4. The battle concludes 5mins after the last cards are played.

Patches are auditioned/performed/etc and compared. “Coolest” patch wins.

PodMod Challenge

Invented live on air by the Podfather himself on PodularModcast episode #. Multiplayer version of Arbitrary Strategies with a dash of Progression and Disruption. Two or more players. Only one Patch: TCG deck needed.

  1. Set aside the Progression and Disruption cards and shuffle only the Abstraction cards.

  2. Draw three Abstraction cards.

  3. Use these three Abstractions as a construct for all players create a patch.

  4. After 10min, draw from the Progression / Disruption pile. All players execute the action.

  5. Repeat step 4 as many times as desired.

Players perform patches and everyone appreciates the journey.

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