Vactrol-based 6-input, 3-output macro-lowpass gate and signal crossfader, based on Grant Richter’s circuit idea for applying “cadavre exquis” (aka exquisite corpse, a technique of serial blind composition) to modular synthesis. If modulated by a Wogglebug, one will achieve modular “cadavre exquis.” If patch programmed using a sequencer such as the Pressure Points/ BRAINS or René, modular “mélange automatique” (automatic re-mixing) could be achieved. The Channel parameter selects which of the 6 Low Pass Gate circuits is driven by the Level and Strike parameters and the Radiate parameter turns on channels adjacent to the selected channel. At maximum Radiate settings all six channels become active simultaneously. Radiate therefore allows for voltage control of the complexity of the mix ranging from 1 to 6 active sound sources, while Channel selects the focal point of the mix.
Excels at smooth dynamic blending and percussive animation of related or unrelated signals
Level and Strike parameters, similar to the Optomix Low Pass Gate, impart magically slow response time upon the amplitude of the signal being processed
Expansion header allows for unpatched connection to DPO for waveform scanning
Expansion header allows for unpatched connection to 6 bands of the FXDf Fixed Filter module allowing for voltage controlled, percussive spectral animation
Patch programmable to have one six-channel, or one four-channel and one two-channel, or three two-channel outputs
Aux A and Aux C inputs for chaining SUM Outs and creating larger more complex mixes
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