[R.I.P] 藝術界和 DJ 界的尤達大師 – Leon Botha | DigiLog 聲響實驗室
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[R.I.P] 藝術界和 DJ 界的尤達大師 – Leon Botha

Leon botha
Author by DigiLog 作者群 Cal 2011.06.07

Leon Botha 傳奇性的南非籍藝術家&DJ 於 2011.06.05 過世。
Leon Botha 在四歲時被診斷出罹患了早衰症這種罕見疾病,因此他並沒有接受一般藝術學校的教育,而是成為一位全職的畫家。2007 年時,他開了第一次的個人畫展 “Liquid Sword; I am HipHop” 描述生命中的 Hip Hop 文化,他的生平總共舉辦過三次個人畫展,另外還包含 2009 的 “Liquid Sword; Slices of Lemon” 和 2010 年的 “Who Am I? … Transgressions” 。三次的畫展都廣受好評,除了繪畫他展現的更是生活的哲思以及對於音樂的喜愛。


Leon Botha 除了喜歡繪畫,對於 Deejaying 也十分熱衷(DJ Solarize、Ninja),他最為著名的就是於他所屬樂團 Die Antwoord – Enter The Ninja 中 MV 演出。當然它的打碟功力也是十分了得,更重要的是它的音樂所要傳達的思想以及生活態度。與他同團的 Rapper – Yolandi Visser 形容 Leon Botha 是說:他就像個天使一樣。



I am aware that I might be the oldest person with this “condition" alive on this planet at the moment & if so, I really don’t care to know, or be labeled as such.
I’m not really in contact with medical research or the [Progeria] foundation. It has been my choice not to be. This “condition" is so rare that it just draws way too much attention.
I am too focused on living my life as it is, to constantly draw my energy or focus towards my physical “state". Just like any other human being, I don’t like to be reduced to a condition or a statistic & I sure as hell won’t end up on one of the photos to be paraded on websites to inspire pity & shit… wrong guy.
I am internally & eternally greatful that my parents raised me with the opportunity to live my life without any media exposure. As what is life other than that; a gift to be who you will to be?…



謝謝 Leon Botha 帶給我們他的繪畫、音樂以及精神,但願他在另一個世界一樣是充滿活力。Leon Botha 於它的生日隔天過世,得年 26 歲(是得到該罕見疾病壽命最長的患者),死於肺動脈阻塞。

R.I.P. Leon Botha (1985-2011)


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