Behringer Deepmind 12D 合成器音源 | DigiLog 聲響實驗室
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Behringer Deepmind 12D 合成器音源

滿 NT$ 3,000 全台免運費

促銷價 NT$ 32,500

30 利率,每期 NT$ 10,833
60 利率,每期 NT$ 5,416


保固資訊:1 年保固 (不包含: 配件、線材、modular)
滿 NT$ 3,000 全台免運費
付款方式: 7 11 Family mart Hilife Ok Visa Jcb Atm Cash delivery

Watched 此商品被關注 6744 次

前所未見,能夠使用行動裝置遠端控制的強大類比合成器 - Behringer Deepmind 12D
由音訊大廠 Behringer 在英國進行設計研發, Deepmind 12D 是一台擁有最多同時 12 個發聲數、4 個 FX Engines 、 2 個 OSCs ( 每個 OSC 皆配有 LFO ) , 3 個 EG ( Envelope Generator ) , 8 Channel Modulation, 32-Step Sequencer, 除上述強大功能之外, Deepmind 12D 還加入了一項強大的設計,使之能夠稱為新世代的合成器: 內建 WIFI 連結,你可以透過 iOS / Android / Mac / PC 等設備遠端控制你的 Deepmind 12D。 
Behringer Deepmind 12 ( 鍵盤版 ) 官方彈奏影片


  • 經典的溫暖類比合成器音色,且多達 12 個發聲數,能夠打造渾厚又飽滿的聲音

  • 4 simultaneous world-class TC Electronic and Klark Teknik FX with over 30 algorithms including Reverb, Chorus, Flanger, Phaser, Delay and multi-band Distortion

  • 2 個類比 OSC ,兩個 OSC 之間可 Sync

  • 2 LFOs per voice with 7 waveform shapes, key sync, MIDI sync and envelope auto-triggering

  • 3 ADSR generators per voice for control of VCF, VCA and MOD envelopes

  • Flexible 8-channel modulation matrix with over 20 sources and 130 destinations including effects parameters

  • 32-step control sequencer with adjustable slew rate and MIDI sync

  • 可使用 WIFI 或 USB 連接 PC / Mac / iOS / Android 等設備,並可透過外接設備無線操作 Deepmind 12D ,可調整參數、 Routing 等設定

  • Pure analog signal path based on legendary VCF and VCA designs

  • OSC 1 generates sawtooth and square/pulse waveforms with pulse width modulation

  • OSC 2 generates square/pulse waveforms with tone modulation

  • Selectable dual slope 12/24 dB analog low pass filter per voice with adjustable resonance

  • Envelope faders seamlessly transform individual envelope segments between linear, exponential and reverse exponential curves

  • Powerful unison and poly modes with detune, pan spread and drift parameters featuring up to 12 voices per note

  • Noise Generator 裝配在 Global Control 上,可經由 NG 渲染 Noise 

  • Incredible polyphonic portamento with flexible fixed rate, fixed time and exponential pitch glide modes

  • Sophisticated arpeggiator with tap tempo button and user configurable pattern modes

  • Chord and PolyChord memories enable polyphonic performances from monophonic playing styles

  • True bypass mode for pure and high-integrity analog tone

  • Global variable 6 dB high pass filter with bass boost switch

  • 26 sliders and one switch per function give direct and real-time access to all important parameters

  • LCD Display with encoder, navigation switches and data value slider for rapid menu parameter editing and program selection

  • 1024 user program memories with compare and match feature to quickly match all analog controls to values stored in program

  • Fully servo-balanced stereo outputs for highest signal integrity

  • CV/pedal input for connection to modular systems

  • Comprehensive MIDI implementation (including NRPN/CC control of all parameters and bulk load/save)

  • Integrated and configurable WiFi client / Access point allows easy and secure connection to home network

  • 在英國設計 / 研發

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