iZotope Music Production Suite 4 插件工具包 | DigiLog 聲響實驗室
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iZotope Music Production Suite 4 插件工具包

滿 NT$ 3,000 全台免運費

促銷價 NT$ 32,700

30 利率,每期 NT$ 10,900
60 利率,每期 NT$ 5,450


保固資訊:1 年保固 (不包含: 配件、線材、modular)
滿 NT$ 3,000 全台免運費
付款方式: 7 11 Family mart Hilife Ok Visa Jcb Atm Cash delivery




下單之後 1-2 天會將序號以 Email 寄出


[email protected]



Enjoy Music Production Suite 4 – a collection of over 30 audio plug-ins including Ozone 9, Neutron 3, Nectar 3 Plus, RX 8, and Neoverb—plus one year of tutorials from Groove3, along with stereo reverbs R4 and NIMBUS. Get time-saving, AI-powered audio software tools that assist at every step of the workflow to help you get professional-quality mixes and masters quickly.

Every step of the workflow

Featuring our best music production plug-ins, including the brand new RX 8 Standard and Neoverb—the most intelligent reverb for music producers—along with a full year of in-depth tutorials from Groove3, along with our most musical stereo reverbs R4 and NIMBUS, Music Production Suite 4 gives you the tools you need to take your musical ideas from a collection of tracks to a polished product ready for release.



From the minds behind Ozone and Nectar, and powered by legendary Exponential Audio technology, Neoverb is the smartest reverb plug-in for music producers. Efficiently design unique space and ambiance for vocals and instruments without muddying the mix using a new Reverb Assistant. Keep your reverb from overwhelming the original sound with Unmask. Create unique reverbs with the Blend Pad and add realistic space with Early Reflections and Room, classic environments with Plate, and height and depth with Chamber and Hall. 

Stutter Edit 2

From wild stutter edits to sweeping filters, Stutter Edit 2, from the mind of legendary producer and music-technologist BT, gives you the power to take your arrangements from demo to done. Create the famous “stutter” editing effect with one button to slice and dice your samples, tracks, and mixes. Fire off rhythmic gestures, sweeping filters, glitchy effects, or everything at once. The possibilities are endless.

Nectar 3 Plus

Fit your vocals into the mix with the most sophisticated set of tools designed for vocal production. Nectar 3 Plus brings out your intended performance in isolation and gets you a clear, professional sound in any music genre. An improved Vocal Assistant: Unmask gives you new insight into how your vocal fits in the mix, with new EQ Amount and Dynamic controls that let you handle masking easily and transparently. 


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