The Malekko Richter series in Eurorack modular format offers the same great sound, ergonomics, musicality, and quality that made the Wiard 300 series legendary, at a fraction of the cost and size.
The Dual Borg contains one Borg I (left side) and one Borg II (right side). These are two different filters, each with their own character. They do not sound the same nor react the same way to your inputs. The Dual Borg is a versatile audio processor and the concept comes from a marriage of two divergent influences: the Buchla 292 Low Pass Gate and the Korg MS20 filter.
The Borg Filter is different from most filters in that it, at its heart, is a vactrol. Vactrols are combination light sensor/light resistors that possess interesting sonic traits. Often described as “rubbery” or smooth in quality, vactrols are also known for their relatively slow response. This response creates a natural, very musical decay. As a low pass gate (frequency mode), the Borg will act as a filter and a VCA simultaneously. In combination with the characteristic vactrol response, this creates a signature sound that is desired by many synth enthusiasts, especially when used with very short, percussive patches.
But the Borg is no one-trick pony, and low pass gates are not for every patch. When in frequency mode, the Borg is a 12db filter with loads of personality. Gorgeous resonance (influenced by the MS20 and shaped by the vactrol design) swells from subtle warmth to a roaring howl that is unique to the Borg! For entering VCA mode, the new push button VCA switches allow instant changeover between modes- great for performances!
A continuously adjustable low pass to high pass control is provided (a notch filter is a mix of these two). Each filter has one audio input and two CV frequency inputs (one with attenuation). Two separate outputs are provided, and output 2 has a slightly more aggressive resonance. Removing either jumper on the back of the filter will make the resonance “scream” even more! The jumper behind the Borg I effects the Borg I’s resonance, and the jumper behind the Borg II changes the Borg II’s resonance.
The Borg I (left side) has a slower response and a more mellow sound compared to the Borg II (right side). Thanks to its longer decay time, the Borg I is best for recreating the famous Buchla bongo patch, and the Borg II is best for a faster, more aggressive response.
The signal path of the Dual Borg is selectable: Series or Parallel.
– In Series mode, when you plug into either in 1 or in 2, or even both inputs (as a mix), the signal is routed through the Borg I then Borg II filters and both out 1 or out 2 have the same signal. If you are connected to both outputs, you will only get signal from out 2.
– In Parallel mode, a single input into in 1 or in 2 is routed through both filters side by side, and a single output (either out 1 or out 2) will give you a mix of both filters. If you have only one input but two outputs, out 1 is the Borg I filter only and out 2 is Borg II only. If you have two inputs and two outputs, then each filter is completely separate: in 1 and out 1 is Borg I, in 2 and out 2 is Borg II. To use only one filter, you must patch into both outputs then choose which filter’s output you want to hear.
16hp wide, 25mm deep, and consumes approximately 80mA power.
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