WMD Overseer | DigiLog 聲響實驗室
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WMD Overseer

滿 NT$ 3,000 全台免運費

促銷價 NT$ 9,450

30 利率,每期 NT$ 3,150
60 利率,每期 NT$ 1,575


保固資訊:1 年保固 (不包含: 配件、線材、modular)
滿 NT$ 3,000 全台免運費
付款方式: 7 11 Family mart Hilife Ok Visa Jcb Atm Cash delivery

Watched 此商品被關注 3883 次

DJ inspired filter for the master bus

The WMD Overseer is a stereo filter inspired by those commonly found on DJ mixers and DJ software.  It features two filters on one knob, stereo ins and outs, bypass switch, and a fun stereo "Tilt" function which offsets the filter cutoff frequency across the stereo field creating some dizzying stereo effects.

  • Stereo Filter in 8HP
  • Two Filters
  • High-Pass and Low-Pass on one knob.
  • Stereo Tilt function with CV control
  • Bypass switch (action on release) for instant filter on/off control
  • CV over both filter's cutoff freq individually
  • CV over Resonance


Bypass Switch:  Turns the filter on and off. LED will be red when the filter is engaged. Toggles on button release. 

Filter Cutoff Knob (the big one): Turn Left for Low-Pass filtering and Right for High-Pass filtering.  No filtering in the middle. Becomes offset with CV.

Filter Cutoff Switch: Switched to the left limits both filters to audible frequencies so you cannot accidentally filter out all signal.  Switched to the right disables the limit allowing you to filter the signal into oblivion.

Resonance knobControls the amount of frequency boost at the cutoff point.  Will not self oscillate.  Knob becomes offset with CV.

Tilt Knob: In the middle applies no tilt.  Rotate left or right to off set the offset to the filter cutoff on each side. Knob becomes offset with CV.

Tilt Switch:  Allows you to apply the Tilt function to either or both HP and LP. Left for LP, right for HP, center for both.

HP - LP Knobs: Attenuverters for incoming CV over the filters.

HP - LP Switch: Switch to the right sends 5V to the  HP - LP knobs and turns them into independent controls for the cutoff frequency of both filters, allowing you to control both filters at the same time with these independent knobs.


HP: CV input for the High-Pass filter

LP: CV input for the Low-Pass Filter

Tilt: CV input for the Stereo Tilt function

Res: CV input for the Resonance of both filters

Master: CV Input over both of the filters, accepts -5V to +5V 



  • Power: +12V = 100mA; -12V = 100mA
  • Size: 8 HP
  • Depth: 40mm
  • Input Impedance: 40k
  • Output Impedance: 220 ohms
  • Frequency Response: 20Hz to 20kHz +-1dB 
  • LPF Cutoff Range (-3dB Fc)
  • Limited LPF: 22Hz to 32kHz
  • Unlimited LPF: 1Hz to 32kHz
  • HPF Cutoff Range (-3dB Fc)
  • Limited HPF: 3Hz to 12kHz
  • Unlimited HPF: 3Hz to 38kHz
  • Signal Path: AC Coupled at all times
  • Every WMD product is warranted for 12 months after purchase, but please contact us if you ever have problems. We will take care of you.

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