From Tenderfoot Electronics comes Source & Confluence, an analog VCO/LFO with a wave-mixer expander module that bring flexible multiple wave/mix outputs and tons of CV inputs for maximum modulation. Source has full control over coarse and fine tuning, four wave shapes with individual outs, and a sub channel out with three options of octave shifting. Take control of your pulse wave with full pulse-width range, and with an additional PWM CV input with attenuation, you can make thick, creamy basses and leads. Additional inputs including a switchable soft/hard sync and both linear and exponential FM offer maximum sonic possibilities.
The expander module, Confluence, offers individual level control, A/B routing per wave shape and an additional white noise generator out the B output. Confluence offers outputs for channels A, B, and third mixed output that's CV controllable—using only one side of the mix out can turn Confluence into a linear VCA. With loads of modulatable parameters to make interesting timbres or complex modulation sources, Source & Confluence are sure to add interest and flair to any modular system.
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