The Phonogene is a digital re-visioning and elaboration of the tape recorder as musical instrument. It takes its name from a little known, one of a kind instrument used by composer Pierre Schaeffer. It is informed by the worlds of Musique Concrète where speed and direction variation were combined with creative tape splicing to pioneer new sounds, and Microsound where computers divide sound into pieces smaller then 1/10 of a second to be manipulated like sub-atomic particles.
NEW rev. 372 firmware with Improved Algorithm
Broken ECHO Mode for realtime processing of audio signals.
Digital audio buffer for the modular synthesist, with voltage control over every parameter
RECord sounds on the fly
Layer sounds using the internal Sound On Sound
Cut sound into pieces using SPLICE
Re-organize pieces with the ORGANIZE control, infinite variations of the original recording possible by modulating ORGANIZE parameter
VARI-SPEED allows for speed and direction of playback to be modulated continuously with one control signal
GENE-SIZE, GENE-SHIFT and SLIDE allow for Granularization of RECorded sound
Firmware Engineered by Tom Erbe and Flemming Christensen.
Width: 20hp
Max Depth: 30mm
70mA@ +12V
40mA @ -12V
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