Hello, 謝謝一路支持 DigiLog 聲響實驗室的好朋友們,我們從最早的 Blog 形式,到現在形成的一個電子聲響聚落,走來雖然步履蹣跚,但始終喜歡這樣的音樂社群文化和可愛的朋友們。DigiLog 聲響實驗室今年成立準備要滿 10 年了,距今舉辦過超過 150+ 場講座/活動、硬體設備服務過超過 5 萬+人次、且和無數的樂團/音樂人玩在一起,不敢說有帶來些什麼重大的改變,但相信為這個社群多少有些小貢獻。
DigiLog 一直希望電子音樂/實驗聲響不是高不可攀的,取而代之的是大家可以隨意入手、輕鬆參與,如同早餐店阿姨/叔叔每天早上熱切地跟你說聲:「早安」一般。這次我們邀請了 4 組音樂人,各個都是電子音樂能手,浸淫電子與實驗音樂領域多年,當天所帶來的演出絕對是在台灣少見且優秀的演出(應該也將是線材最多的演出)。
10 年了,我們知道要在這個領域堅持那麼久有多麼不容易,11/17 於玉成戲院所舉辦的『 早安線場 AM INPUT』將是個給喜愛創造、聆聽和演奏電子音樂的接線生們,一個特別的場域。假如你跟我們一樣不知道下一個 10 年在哪,就一起忘記煩惱享受當下吧!
PS. 當天除了 4 組演出外,場外另外有驚喜小活動 :)
Hello, thank you for supporting DigiLog from our humble beginnings as a blog to our current status as an electronic sound community. We've always cherished this music culture and are fortunate to count you all as our friends. We have served over 50,000+ people and played with countless bands/musicians. We wouldn't claim to have changed the scene, but we believe we've made some meaningful contributions to this community.
We've invited 4 artist from the electronic and experimental music scene in Taiwan, to deliver what promises to be one of the most unique performances. We know how hard it is to stay in this field for so long, and AM INPUT at Yuchen Recording Studio on 11/17 will be a special venue for those who love to create, listen to and play electronic music.
► HILaser|台灣
HILaser 為理化兄弟P.C.B.音樂製作人林昭宇的雷射聲響計畫,探索雷射圖像與聲響之間的共構關係。擅長 8-bit 電子舞曲、Abelton、Traktor,演出現場常使用 Midi Fighter Motion effect 利用身體與樂音的演出張力創造視覺與聽感雙重衝擊,開啟佈滿幻視、人工智慧、嘲諷與冷笑話的世界。曾於 DigiLog 擔任「全國電子音樂班」講師,林昭宇跨足木雕、動畫3D建模、音樂等多領域創作,我們的 YouTube 頻道也有專訪介紹。
HILaser is the laser sound project of P.C.B.'s music producer Chaoyu Lin, focusing on exploring the co-constructive relationship between laser images and sound. He is known for his expertise in 8-bit electronic dance music, creating psychedelic acid experiences that combine sound and vision.
▻ HIHater - Soundcloud
▻ P.C.B. - Soundcloud
► Troy Lin|台灣
以單人實驗電子音樂為主。深受 Ambient/Techno/Experimental/IDM 音樂風格影響,擅長營造Ambient 氛圍/環境音樂,喜愛以取樣聲響的方式製作音樂,再製並呈現另一種樣貌。近年主力於幕後配樂製作,對於合成器及噪音聲響的熱愛,時常表現在各類作品當中並朔造出個人風格。現場以Modular Synth即興 及 Remix Sample為主要演出。
Troy Lin is a composer/sound designer/producer/experimental electronic musician who has focused on soundtracks in recent years. Influenced by ambient, techno, experimental and IDM styles, he specialises in sampling sounds and his personal style and love of synthesizers and noise sounds are evident in his work. Troy Lin's live performances are based on modular synth improvisation and remix sampling.
▻ Road (from Mountain Refuge) - bandcamp
▻ Imperfect (from Dark Paradise Records H5 Mother’s Finest) - bandcamp
► Ryan J Raffa|美國
從事聲音和圖像創作的多學科藝術家。2018 年從美國布魯克林移居台灣,透過即興創作探索個人地理、集體記憶和轉變。Raffa 曾於 CultureHub/La MaMa Galleria、Aronson Gallery、Temp Art Space、Mozilla、SIGGRAPH、ACM C&C、SVA、Art21、CBGB、KEXP 和 NPR 演出與參展。 近期創作包括專輯《4 e and a》、《We Have Always Existed》和《Thought Without Image》。
Ryan J Raffa is a multidisciplinary artist working with sound and image. They explore personal geographies, collective memory, and transformation through improvisation. Raffa has had the the great opportunity to perform and exhibit work at CultureHub/La MaMa Galleria, Aronson Gallery, Temp Art Space, Mozilla, SIGGRAPH, ACM Conference on Creativity and Cognition, Critical Themes at SVA, Art21, CBGB, KEXP and NPR. Recent works include the albums "4 e and a", "We Have Always Existed" and "Thought Without Image".
▻ 4 e and a - bandcamp
▻ We Have Always Existed - bandcamp
▻ Thought Without Image - bandcamp
► n0153m|台灣
從擊樂手身份出發的創作者,聚焦在跨域的聲響呈現。現居台北,噪音印製 ( printedNoise Lab) 發起人。
n0153m is a sound artist coming from a percussion background who’s works had shown in different fields in variety of forms. Since 2017, She founded the experimental music brand - “PrintedNoise Lab” and started to experiment blending sound of modular synthesiser, environmental and acoustic instruments through different practices including: theatrical music performances, music productions, sound live-set and cross-disciplinary projects.
▻ PrintedNoise LAB - bandcamp
▻ PrintedNoiseLab - YouTube
▍日期:2023.11.17 [FRI.]
▍時間:20:00-22:30 | 19:30 入場
▍票價:早鳥票 NTD$ 690 / 預購票 NTD$890 / 線上收看 NTD$168
Event Detail
▍Date: November 17, 2023 [FRI.]
▍Time: 20:00-22:30 | Entry at 19:30
▍Ticket Price: Early Bird NTD$ 690 / Presale NTD$ 890 / Streaming NTD$168
▍Location: Yuchen Theater Recording Studio (No. 2, Lane 25, Yucheng Street, Nangang District, Taipei City)