實驗合成器即興現場 Live / Synth / Experimental vol. 2 | DigiLog 聲響實驗室
Synth vol2 1
Synth vol2 1
聽講堂 » 實驗合成器即興現場 Live / Synth / Experimental vol. 2

實驗合成器即興現場 Live / Synth / Experimental vol. 2

Cal 活動時間:2018-10-25 20:00 - 2018-10-25 22:00
Location 活動地點:DigiLog 聲響實驗室 - 100 台灣 台北市中正區羅斯福路三段244巷2弄2-1號2樓



日期: 2018.10.25 (四)
時間: 20:00 - 22:00
地點: DigiLog 聲響實驗室
地址: 台北市羅斯福路三段 244 巷 2 弄 2-1 號 2F


Jorge Bachmann

舊金山聲音藝術家 Jorge Bachmann ,他在 2000 開始參與了舊金山的實驗音樂場景。對音樂的廣泛探索,以電子出發,從具象音樂聲景到極簡類比模組合成器,都是他擅長得項目。

從 1980 年他開始探索日常生活中細微、奇妙的聲響,並使用田野錄音的方式記錄,最後再利用這些聲響打破虛實的界線,混合人造的音色,創造一個身歷其境的聲景。Bachmann 也曾為 MOBU 舞蹈劇團配樂,目前正與 Christine Bonansea Dance Company 合作。

在北美、歐洲、日本、台灣與南美洲表演與展覽。2009 年在舊金山電子音樂節發表音像作品 "Coleoptera”。近期與 Alessandro Cortini, Bryan Day, Michael Gendreau, Mason Jones, David Graves, Danishta Rivero, Markus Hawkings, Yuko Matsuyama, Kevin Corcoran and Takahiro Kawaguchi 做即興的演出。

他的上一張個人專輯 "Mare Island" 在 Baltimore's VauxFlores Industrial 廠牌底下發行。目前同時參與 "Collision Stories", "audre" 與 “Faults” 團體。


JORGE BACHMANN is a media artist, experimental composer and curator based in San Francisco , USA. Working across a wide range of explorations, bachmann's work is eclectic, going from subtle "musique concrete" soundscapes to
analog synth minimalism. Since the early 1980's he has been exploring the strange, unique and microcosmic sounds of everyday life, collecting field recordings and creating soundscapes meant for deep listening. He has performed in North America, Europe, Japan, Taiwan and South America. In 2009 he performed his audio-visual piece, Coleoptera, at the 10th Francisco Electronic Music Festival. In recent years he has performed and improvised with the likes of Alessandro Cortini, Bryan Day, Michael Gendreau, Mason Jones, David Graves, Danishta Rivero, Markus Hawkings and Takahiro Kawaguchi.



Kevin Corcoran

Kevin Corcoran works with an open interest in sound as medium as it moves through contexts of art, music, ecology, and communication in performance and fixed media pieces.

As a percussionist he is most interested in techniques which extend the sonic possibilities of the instrument emphasizing textural sound, friction, sympathetic vibration, sustained tones and the use of found objects. In this way, emphasis is placed on freely arranging sonic events in duration rather than marking time by rhythm.

He works also with environmental recordings, interested in sounds of natural and built surroundings through both observing and interacting with sites, and electronic sound through feedback systems, computer software and cassette tapes. These sounds are often combined with percussion in his performances where displaced environmental sounds provide a temporary acoustic identity of the space, and layers of past actions join the present moment of sound-making.

After earning a degree in Technocultural Studies from the University of California at Davis where he studied sonic arts and media theory he relocated to San Francisco where he currently lives, working solo and in collaboration with other musicians, dancers and filmmakers.
He has performed throughout the United States, Europe, Japan and Taiwan and has collaborated on several published recordings both improvised and composed while continuing to work in ongoing collaborations and ad-hoc improvisations.

In addition to his own work he is co-curator and archivist of the concert series Re:Soundwhich takes place in an abandoned munitions magazine on Mare Island and operates under the nonprofit organization 23Five Incorporated which is dedicated to the development and increased awareness of sound works in the public arena.



father moo


father moo has been making music for 30 years.

father moo used to make music with real people and real instruments.

father moo currently makes music with algorithms, statistical analysis and stochastic divination.

father moo does not perform live.

father moo only records music at home and then doesn't let other people listen to it.

father moo currently lives in his studio in taipei.





Watched 此活動被關注 4879 次






(最少購買:1張 每張票包含: 1位)

Now -
2018/10/24 23:59

NT$ 300


(最少購買:1張 每張票包含: 1位)

2018/10/25 00:00 -
2018/10/25 20:00

NT$ 400



Now - 2018/10/24 23:59

NT$ 300



2018/10/25 00:00 - 2018/10/25 20:00

NT$ 400




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  • 活動入場時,每人憑一票券入場。票券有效狀態,依本公司驗證為準,本公司有最終解釋權。
  • 票卷其他條件或限制,依票券內容規定,本公司保有變更或異動之權利。


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  • 退票將酌收票面金額 10% 之手續費。
  • 依據您所使用的付款金流工具,其產生之額外手續費(匯款手續費、退款手續費等)亦由購票人負擔。
  • 信用卡退費:本公司將協助辦理刷退,款項退回之時間,依購票人發卡銀行作業程序而定。


Q: 線上票該如何收看?
A: 報名時請填寫平常慣用的 Email,我們會在課程結束後 1-2 天 ,用 Email 寄發收看流程,按照指定流程即可在電腦前收看。

Q: 線上票是現場直播嗎?
A: 線上票是屬於 D-Live,適合不克在當天前來講座,或是外縣市的朋友方便參與課程內容的服務。

Q: 線上票的收看時間有多長?
A: 線上影片上線後,一週內可以無限次收看,因系統設定逾時恕不重新開放,請把握時間收看。

Q: 線上票是否可以退票?
A: 只要符合退票規定即可退票。

