舊金山之聲「 audre 」 實驗合成器即興現場 | DigiLog 聲響實驗室
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舊金山之聲「 audre 」 實驗合成器即興現場

Cal 活動時間:2017-12-01 20:00 - 2017-12-01 21:00
Location 活動地點:DigiLog 聲響實驗室 - 100 台灣 台北市中正區羅斯福路三段244巷2弄2-1號2樓


audre,來自舊金山加州的雙人團體。由 Jorge Bachmann 與 Michael Gendreau 組成,他們各自在舊金山的實驗場景中有著不同的身份。

audre 的創意受到後工業、極簡與 drone 音樂影響。各自都使用模組合成器、短波收音機、唱盤、田野錄音來建構多層次的聲音質地,營造出窒息、灰暗的 "Dark Ambient" 氛圍。



Jorge Bachmann

[ruidobello] 是由舊金山聲音藝術家 Jorge Bachmann 發起的計畫。他在 2000 開始參與了舊金山的實驗音樂場景。對音樂的廣泛探索,以電子出發,從具象音樂聲景到極簡類比模組合成器,都是他擅長得項目。

從 1980 年他開始探索日常生活中細微、奇妙的聲響,並使用田野錄音的方式記錄,最後再利用這些聲響打破虛實的界線,混合人造的音色,創造一個身歷其境的聲景。Bachmann 也曾為 MOBU 舞蹈劇團配樂,目前正與 Christine Bonansea Dance Company 合作。

[ruidobello] 目前在北美、歐洲、日本、台灣與南美洲表演與展覽。2009 年在舊金山電子音樂節發表音像作品 "Coleoptera”。近期與 Alessandro Cortini, Bryan Day, Michael Gendreau, Mason Jones, David Graves, Danishta Rivero, Markus Hawkings, Yuko Matsuyama, Kevin Corcoran and Takahiro Kawaguchi 做即興的演出。

他的上一張個人專輯 "Mare Island" 在 Baltimore's VauxFlores Industrial 廠牌底下發行。目前同時參與 "Collision Stories", "audre" 與 “Faults” 團體。





Michael GENDREAU 在 1972 年開始打鼓,並在幾年之後開始用卡帶與雜亂的電子器材創作,搭配唱盤,自己或與他人合作完成多變化的錄音作品與演出。(Crawling With Tarts, Lars Mars Orchestra, rRope, Seitz Versus Gendreau, Speed The Parting Guest, The Disturbing Group, Collision Stories, etc.)。在 1989 年完成物理系學位之後,開始從事聲學相關工作至今,主要在設計寂靜的聲波研究環境空間。除此之外還參與自然科學的工作,他的研究領域甚至還包含音樂與表演哲學,包括 2010 由 Van Dieren Editeur 出版的 Parataxes: Fragments pour une architecture des espaces sonores (or,The Commonplace Book of Parataxis)  與 2011 的文章,談關於表演場地的 “Concerted Structures,” in Site of Sound #2:Of Architecture and the Ear (Errant Bodies Press, Berlin)。他自 1983 年開始的歷年專輯超過 150 張,包括 Collision Stories 的新專輯。在這 15 年裡他獨自演出,並專注於與表演場地的特色互動。

[email protected]





audre, is a duo from San Francisco, California. The two members, Jorge Bachmann and Michael Gendreau have been part of the S.F. experimental scene under many different monikers.

audre's creations are influenced by post-industrial, minimal and drone-music. Both members use modular synths, shortwave radio, turntables and field recordings to build a multilayered mixture of suffocating atmospheres and somber cinematic drones. Their sound cold be described as "Dark Ambient"



[ruidobello] is the project of San Francisco based Sound Artist Jorge Bachmann. He has been involved in San Francisco's experimental music/dance scene since the early 2000.

Working across a wide range of explorations, Bachmann's work is eclectic, going from subtle "Musique Concrète" Soundscapes to analog modular synth minimalism.

Since the early 1980's he has been exploring the strange, unique and microscopic sounds of everyday life. Collecting field recordings and creating immersive soundscapes. Blurring the boundaries between wilderness sound environments and man-made sounds. Bachmann has composed music for MOBU Dance troupe and is actively collaborating with Christine Bonansea Dance Company.

[ruidobello] has performed and exhibited in North America, Europe, Japan, Taiwan and South America. In 2009 he performed his audio-visual piece, "Coleoptera", at the 10th Francisco Electronic Music Festival. In recent years he has performed and improvised with the likes of Alessandro Cortini, Bryan Day, Michael Gendreau, Mason Jones, David Graves, Danishta Rivero, Markus Hawkings, Yuko Matsuyama, Kevin Corcoran and Takahiro Kawaguchi.

His last solo album "Mare Island" is on Baltimore's VauxFlores Industrial label.https://vauxflores.com/vf-industrial/mare-island/

At present he is also part of "Collision Stories", "audre" and “Faults”.







Michael GENDREAU started playing drums in 1972, and working with tape machines and scrappy electronics a few years after that. He has composed or co-composed for those instruments and others (turntables, notably) for various recordings and performances, both solo and in groups (Crawling With Tarts, Lars Mars Orchestra, rRope, Seitz Versus Gendreau, Speed The Parting Guest, The Disturbing Group, Collision Stories, etc.). After completing a degree in physics in 1989, he began work as an acoustician that continues to this day, where his primary focus is in the design of very quiet research environments, with respect to infrasound and vibration. In addition to work of a scientific nature, his bibliography also contains items in the philosophy of music and performance, including the 2010 publication of a book by Van Dieren Editeur (Paris) entitled Parataxes: Fragments pour une architecture des espaces sonores (or,The Commonplace Book of Parataxis) and in 2011 publication of an essay on using buildings in performance, “Concerted Structures,” in Site of Sound #2:Of Architecture and the Ear (Errant Bodies Press, Berlin). His discography, containing more than 150 documented items since 1983, is topped with a new CD by Collision Stories. In the last 15 years he has performed as a solo artist, mostly driving performance spaces with their own modal characteristics, in Belgium, England, Estonia, France, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, Ukraine, and the USA.


[email protected]






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(最少購買:1張 每張票包含: 1位)

Now -
2017/11/29 23:59

NT$ 150


(最少購買:1張 每張票包含: 1位)

2017/11/30 20:00 -
2017/11/30 21:30

NT$ 250



Now - 2017/11/29 23:59

NT$ 150



2017/11/30 20:00 - 2017/11/30 21:30

NT$ 250




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Q: 線上票該如何收看?
A: 報名時請填寫平常慣用的 Email,我們會在課程結束後 1-2 天 ,用 Email 寄發收看流程,按照指定流程即可在電腦前收看。

Q: 線上票是現場直播嗎?
A: 線上票是屬於 D-Live,適合不克在當天前來講座,或是外縣市的朋友方便參與課程內容的服務。

Q: 線上票的收看時間有多長?
A: 線上影片上線後,一週內可以無限次收看,因系統設定逾時恕不重新開放,請把握時間收看。

Q: 線上票是否可以退票?
A: 只要符合退票規定即可退票。

