陰魂不散的 Behringer 又準備向經典的合成器致敬... Oberheim | DigiLog 聲響實驗室
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陰魂不散的 Behringer 又準備向經典的合成器致敬... Oberheim

Ub xa
Author by DigiLog 作者群 Cal 2018.01.09

Behringer 最近又有驚人之舉了,Behringer 創辦人兼 CEO Uli Behringer 宣布,即將推出向 Oberheim 致敬的機種 - Oberheim OB-Xa。

Uli Behringer 在近日發表的公開聲明表示,他們在經過超長時間的研究和開發之後,終於決定要公佈這項消息,這項復刻 Oberheim OB-Xa,他們稱之為 Behringer UB-Xa。這項計畫是該集團 Midas 團隊中的工程師所設計開發,Uli 他還特別強調,他們是利用 “閒暇” 的時間做這件事情,並在設計出Deepmind12 開發者 Pete 和 Rob 的代理之下,進行這個專案。





Today I officially announce that we have decided that we will develop and produce an authentic OB-Xa clone which we call the UB-Xa.

As you can imagine, this is a very complex and time-consuming project and at this stage we won’t be able to tell you when the instrument will be available in the market or what it will cost.

Since this is more a labor of love than a commercially viable project, our engineers can’t work full time on this synth and will use some of their free time, hence the project will likely take more than 12 months.

Most importantly, our goal is to make it an absolute authentic sounding instrument and offer it at a truly affordable price – but you know this already.

Because of its high complexity, we have assigned this project to our most experienced team which is the Midas team in Manchester, UK. These synth nuts and super-smart engineers – under the leadership of Pete and Rob – were also the ones who developed the successful DeepMind12.






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