Matthew Ryals 來自紐約合成器與演算法音樂 | DigiLog 聲響實驗室
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Events » Matthew Ryals 來自紐約合成器與演算法音樂

Matthew Ryals 來自紐約合成器與演算法音樂

Cal 活動時間:2023-08-11 19:30 - 2023-08-11 21:30
Location 活動地點:DigiLog 聲響實驗室 - 100 台灣 台北市中正區羅斯福路三段244巷2弄2-1號2樓



來自紐約布魯克林的 Matthew Ryals,將演算法生成作曲與即興演奏融合,並用模組化合成器展現其獨特的聲音品味,此次演出結合演算法生成音樂的物理性和周遭環境的聲學氛圍,建構出朦朧但令人再三回味的環境聲響,彷彿令人置身在通信網絡失靈的生態系裡。 2023 年夏天開始的一連串巡迴演出中,Matthew 幾乎只使用一組攜帶方便的模組化合成器進行完全即興但完整度高的演出。其巡演足跡包含歐洲、美國東北部多個城市及亞洲的台灣和香港。 台灣場的開場演出,將由 weiii 帶來結合 VCV Rack 與 Eurorack 的實驗氛圍聲響。

On tour from Brooklyn, NY, Matthew Ryals is a modular synthesist known for his work merging generative/algorithmic composition with improvisation. His 2023 concert schedule includes multiple cities across the northeast United States, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Europe in solo and duo configurations. For his 2023 summer concerts, Matthew is performing freely improvised sets using a small, portable modular synthesizer setup. It is a stripped down, highly manual approach to the instrument; turning dials, flipping switches, live patching, and using his body to transfer modulations via touch plates. Prioritizing the physical nature of playing and the acoustics of his surroundings, Matthew constructs obscure timbral environments evocative of the inner workings of molecular ecosystems or failing communication networks. The opening act for the Taiwan show will be presented by the artist weiii (Chang Yungwei), who will bring an experimental ambient sound by combining VCV Rack and Eurorack elements.


Matthew Ryals 介紹:

關於 Matthew Ryals Matthew Ryals 是一位來自紐約布魯克林的音樂家、音效設計師和聲音研究者。主要使用創作手法透過模組化的合成器,其音樂涵蓋偶然性、控制理論、即興演奏且不具固定形式。他認為他的作品存在於一個軸線上,一邊是完全生成的、自演奏的系統,另一邊是完全即興的、自發的作曲。Tiny Mix Tapes 網站將他的音樂描述為”自冰冷的電路系統中層層過濾而出的人類情感” 作為 2022-23 年度 New Music USA 的得主,Matthew 正與作曲家 Jacob Sachs-Mishalanie 合作關於宏觀(結構)層面上的生成音樂。不受創作形式侷限的他也參與了與薩克斯演奏家 Jonah Parzen-Johnson 的二重奏,以及與大提琴演奏家Kirin McElwain 的合作。

而最新 EP《Generative Etudes Vol 1.0》於 2023 年 5 月透過首爾唱片公司 dingn\dents 發行,也在他自己創立的品牌 Behind Glass 下發行了 Vol 1.1 和 Vol 1.2。其作品內容為以模組合成器進行生成作曲研究與實踐:在30天內錄製30首練習曲。每段錄音將以多個版本發行,每個版本擁有相同的曲目順序,但卻是模組系統裡不同的聲音片段。

Matthew Ryals is a musician, sound designer, and educator based in Brooklyn, NY. Primarily working with a modular synthesizer, his music explores aleatoricism, cybernetics, improvisation, and unfixed forms. He thinks of his work as existing on an axis where one side is occupied by fully generative, self-playing systems and on the other fully improvisational, spontaneous compositions. Tiny Mix Tapes has described his music as “filter[ing] the emotion of the human experience through the cold circuitry of electronics”. As a 2022-23 New Music USA awardee, Matthew is collaborating with composer Jacob Sachs-Mishalanie on new material with a focus on developing generative processes at the macroscopic (structural) level. He’s involved in various new collaborations including duos with saxophonist Jonah Parzen-Johnson and cellist Kirin McElwain. His new EP, Generative Etudes Vol 1.0, was released in May 2023 on the Seoul-based label, dingn\dents and was followed by Vol 1.1 and Vol 1.2 weeks later on his own imprint, Behind Glass. They are the first releases in a suite of work devoted to the study and practice of generative composition using a modular synthesizer; a self-assigned project to record 30 etudes in 30 days. Each recording will be released in numerous versions, and each version will consist of the same tracks in the same order, but different takes of the system/patch running.



weiii 本名張永薇,做聲音時的名字是 weiii。以創作行為進行哲學實驗,遊走於不同媒材與藝術形式,近年專注於模組合成器的學習與實踐,持續在 Youtube 與 bandcamp 上發佈聲音與音樂作品,無論聲音作品還是繪畫作品,經常融合抽象、低限、拼貼與街頭藝術。擅長結合硬體模組合成器與 VCV Rack 軟體的強大功能,探索電子音與思維的未知領域,並結合田野錄音取樣創作,在過程中發現各種連接 (Patching) 的可能。

 Chang Yungwei, who uses the pseudonym “weiii” when working with sound, conducts philosophical experiments through creative actions exploring various media and art forms. In recent years, she has been dedicated to learning and practicing modular synthesis, consistently releasing sound art and music works online via YouTube and Bandcamp. Whether in the realm of sound or visual art, her pieces blend abstract, minimalist, collage, and street art influences. With a strong grasp of combining Eurorack Modular Synthesis with the software VCV Rack, she ventures into unexplored realms of electronic music. Utilizing field recordings and sampling in her sound systems, her work continually unravels the infinite possibilities of hybrid systems and synthesizer patching.




 ▍時間:2023.08.11 Fri. ❘ 19:30-21:00

 ▍票價:早鳥票 NTD$ 350 / 現場票 NTD$ 500

 ▍地點:DigiLog 聲響實驗室


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(最少購買:1張 每張票包含: 1位)

Now -
2023/08/10 23:59

NT$ 350


(最少購買:1張 每張票包含: 1位)

2023/08/11 00:00 -
2023/08/11 21:30

NT$ 500



Now - 2023/08/10 23:59

NT$ 350



2023/08/11 00:00 - 2023/08/11 21:30

NT$ 500




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Q: 線上票該如何收看?
A: 報名時請填寫平常慣用的 Email,我們會在課程結束後 1-2 天 ,用 Email 寄發收看流程,按照指定流程即可在電腦前收看。

Q: 線上票是現場直播嗎?
A: 線上票是屬於 D-Live,適合不克在當天前來講座,或是外縣市的朋友方便參與課程內容的服務。

Q: 線上票的收看時間有多長?
A: 線上影片上線後,一週內可以無限次收看,因系統設定逾時恕不重新開放,請把握時間收看。

Q: 線上票是否可以退票?
A: 只要符合退票規定即可退票。

