INSTRUŌ øchd Expander ochd 擴充板 INSTRUO 模組化合成器 | DigiLog 聲響實驗室
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Instruo ochd expander 1

INSTRUŌ øchd Expander ochd 擴充板 INSTRUO 模組化合成器

滿 NT$ 3,000 全台免運費

折扣價 NT$ 4,500
促銷價 NT$ 4,900

30 利率,每期 NT$ 1,500
60 利率,每期 NT$ 750


保固資訊:1 年保固 (不包含: 配件、線材、modular)
滿 NT$ 3,000 全台免運費
付款方式: 7 11 Family mart Hilife Ok Visa Jcb Atm Cash delivery

INSTRUō 是一家位於蘇格蘭格拉斯哥的模組化合成器公司,致力於發展高品質、創新的模組合成器。該品牌的產品範圍包括各種功能豐富的模組,從基本的振盪器到具有生物反饋功能的模組,各類型產品皆投入了不少創作心血。INSTRUō 的模組以其高品質、創新性而聞名,尤其是一些標誌性的產品,如 Scion 生物反饋至 CV 模組、Troika 三重振盪器和 Cs-Lcomplex 振盪器。時至今日 INSTRUō 仍不斷推出新產品,並為合成愛好者提供豐富的選擇,激發出他們獨一無二的音樂創作。

INSTRUō øchd
Designed in collaboration with Ben “DivKid” Wilson, the Instruō øchd packs 8 all analogue LFO’s into a convenient 4HP package. Each independent core is free running with rates configured from fastest to slowest arranged from top to bottom. Each frequency range was tuned by ear during development to give the optimum spread of control frequencies running in parallel. Being 100% analogue, the LFO’s will phase organically with the ability to ebb and flow together with their global frequency control.

Modulation breathes life into otherwise static patches, but CV sources can often run out quickly. Even in larger systems. øchd adds a lot of movement without hogging a lot of space. Both small lunch box cases and larger set ups can be made to drift, move and organically change over time. With either subtle use of øchd to keep things alive or wider ranging use that drives a whole patch that drifts around itself.



  • 8 independent, un-synced free running analogue triangle LFO’s
  • Wide frequency range across the oscillators (160Hz to 25 minute cycle time, this goes much lower with CV)
  • CV controllable global rate with attenuverter
  • Track and Hold capabilities using negative CV to stall oscillator cores
  • Bipolar LED display for each LFO
  • Self patchable for complex wave shaping





  • 4HP

  • Depth: 32mm


  • +12V: 5mA

  • –12V: 5mA


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