Bastl Instrument Pizza FM & WAVE-SHAPE Oscillator | DigiLog 聲響實驗室
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Bastl Instrument Pizza FM & WAVE-SHAPE Oscillator

滿 NT$ 3,000 全台免運費

促銷價 NT$ 11,500

30 利率,每期 NT$ 3,833
60 利率,每期 NT$ 1,916


保固資訊:1 年保固 (不包含: 配件、線材、modular)
滿 NT$ 3,000 全台免運費
付款方式: 7 11 Family mart Hilife Ok Visa Jcb Atm Cash delivery

Watched 此商品被關注 1965 次

Pizza is perfect for hybrid synthesis!

The unique take on FM synthesis combined with waveshaping offers a vast sonic palette while staying intuitive. Pizza is perfect for hybrid synthesis! Waveshaping on MAIN output gives you the world of additive techniques, while the PULSE and OSC OUT speak the subtractive language where mixing the outputs into a filter will sound massive!

Because of its digital nature, Pizza does not have to be tuned, and its approach to tuning is different. You only go to the Tune mode when you actually need to. Otherwise, the PITCH knob serves as either octave transpose or detune.

3 oscillators in one

Pizza is built around 3 internal oscillators - the Main Oscillator, which can be phase modulated (FM) and wave folded, and two modulating oscillators. The modulating oscillators are the Octave (sub) Oscillator, with dedicated output, and the Ratio Oscillator, serving more advanced FM duties. Both have square-sine-saw wave shape control for more timbral variety and can ring modulate the main oscillator.
FM INDEX crossfader applies phase modulation to the Main oscillator either with the Ratio Oscillator or the Octave Oscillator (can be replaced by an external signal). The INDEX MOD attenuverter for the CV controls the FM INDEX.

Assignable control

The CTRL knob and CV input are assignable and allow you to gain more access to the oscillator core. It can be assigned to control: linear FM, exponential FM (global, Octave, or Ratio osc), octave, detune, modulator ratio selection, wave-shaping, wave-folding, ring modulation, built-in bipolar VCA, built-in attack-decay envelope or second FM index.

Easy callibration

The EXT input allows direct phase modulation of the Main Oscillator.
The V/OCT input can be easily calibrated to match correctly with any source. Just play note C corresponding to 0V and C two octaves higher (2V), and you are ready to be perfectly in tune. You can also quantize the V/OCT input.


  • Complex oscillator with 3 internal oscillators
  • Main Oscillator with phase modulation (FM), wave folding, and ring modulation
  • Octave Oscillator with independent output, square-sine-saw waveshaper, and independent output
  • Ratio Oscillator for FM with user-adjustable ratios and square-sine-saw waveshaper
  • 3 waveform outputs
  • Pulse output of the Main Oscillator (or assignable to RATIO OSC output)
  • FM Index crossfader between Ratio Oscillator and Octave Oscillator
  • Index Mod attenuverter for the dedicated CV input
  • SHAPE section with wave-shaping of operators, 2 flavors of wave-folding, and ring modulation
  • Sync input to reset all oscillators
  • Octave transposition and detune via Pitch knob
  • Tune mode for adjusting semitone transposition and fine-tune
  • EXT input to replace phase modulation of the Octave Oscillator with external signal
  • V/OCT input with automatic calibration and quantization
  • Assignable CTRL knob and CV (lin/exp FM, ratios, octave, detune, waveshaping, VCA, envelope VCA, second FM index)
  • Firmware updates via micro USB

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